Our happiness depends on wisdom all the way.”
On the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, the readings call us to live with wisdom and understanding. They encourage us to seek true nourishment from Jesus, the bread of life, and to live in a way that pleases God.
The 1st reading from Proverbs invites us to leave behind foolishness and choose the way of understanding. Wisdom offers us true life and fulfilment. St Paul’s letter to the Ephesians reminds us to live with wisdom, understanding God’s will in our lives. It urges us to be careful in how we live, making the most of every opportunity. In the Gospel, Jesus offers himself as the living bread from heaven. Jesus promises eternal life to those who believe in Him.
Father Peter
Owing to considerable problems with both the internet and the parish landline this week, it has not been possible to receive phone calls or emails and, as a result, none of your requests for items are in this news-letter. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Pope’s Intention for the month of August
For political leaders
We pray that political leaders be at the service of their own people, working for integral human development and for the common good, especially caring for the poor and those who have lost their jobs.
PPC – the next meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will be on Tuesday 3rd September. Any parishioners with issues they would like raised should approach one of their church representatives the names of whom are on our church notice boards.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, will be held at St Helen’s on Thursdays at 3pm.
House Mass at Janet and Terry McIlwee’s home at 3pm on Tuesday 27th August. Holm Lea, 11 Hartwell Road, Wroxham, NR12 8TL.
Join us on the CAFOD Walk on Saturday 7th September at 2pm. Leave cars at Blickling car park at 2pm (1 Park gates, Blickling, Norwich. NR11 6NJ) and meet by the gate to Blickling Park. It’s a two minute walk from the car park and is well signposted. The walk is approximately 4 miles.
Please bring a waterproof and appropriate footwear. The walk will be in the grounds of the park. For more information contact/enquiries Maria on 07858 043174 or John on 07791 278653.
Bike Ride & Walk – The Norfolk Churches Trust. This event takes place on Saturday 14th September. In North Walsham the Sacred Heart is visited by cyclists throughout the day so we need volunteers to record their visits, usually on an hourly basis. If you would like to be a recorder please sign the sheet in the narthex. Thank you.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Paul Watson, Patricia Newton, Celia Cooper, Marie Barton, Margaret Larkins, Daphne Necchi, Bert Pooler, Maria Halsey, Joan Macnamara, Richard Skelton, Teresa Fitzmaurice, Joan Gale, Bernadette Saunders, Doreen Rockey & daughter Sandra, Pam Thornton, Inge O’ Toole, Mary Long and Mary Cockburn; also to include others who are sick and their families.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Hilda Howard, Audrey Barnes, George Mayer and Irene Harrison.
May they rest in peace.