Dear Friends,
Today’s readings are about how deeply our faith affects our lives and actions. St James states bluntly that jealousy, ambition and in-fighting have no place in a Christian community. They even existed among the Apostles. They failed to see who Jesus was; they were too busy arguing about who was the greatest! Jesus uses a child as an example of those who have no power or standing in the society of the time. Those who follow him must avoid rivalry and ambition and embrace service and humility. This will become clear at the moment of his Passion and death when Jesus makes himself ‘last of all and servant of all’.
We all look forward to a time when we will no longer wear face coverings at Mass. I am impressed by how well you sing in spite of them! On a practical note it would help you and also minimize the risk of dropping the consecrated Host if you removed your mask (just pull it down) when you come to receive Holy Communion.
Father James
At the Sacred Heart, North Walsham, all Masses are accessible from your computer or tablet. Simply go Live Streaming.
It is no longer necessary to book a place at the weekend Masses in any of our three churches. However we are still encouraged to use the QR codes when we arrive at the church or to give our contact details to the stewards.
Today is Home Mission Sunday. There will be a retiring collection for the Home Missions.
Also today, a Mass Count will be taken; this will be the first of four following consecutively on Sundays.
Tea and coffee is now available in the Sacred Heart parish hall and in the church at Aylsham following the Sunday Mass.
At St Helen’s there are also refreshments after the Saturday evening Mass. They will be served, weather permitting, outside by the side entrance. Please take a seat and your order will be brought to you. All are welcome to stay and our thanks go to the kitchen volunteers in all three churches.
Fortnightly Bible Study at the Sacred Heart. The next meeting will be on Friday 24th September at 2.30pm in the Committee Room.
The time has come for election of Parish Pastoral Council representatives and nomination forms are at the back of all three churches. Due to last year’s disruptions we are looking for two new representatives from each church. This is a vital service for your church community so please think prayerfully about whether you could contribute in this way to the life of the Parish.
Items for the newsletter will be most welcome, to be sent please by email ( by the Tuesday of the week, or if urgent, at the very latest by Wednesday, no later than 12 noon.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley and Mary Carr.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Frances Ablitt, Erwin Loska, Kevin Barry, Godfrey Fahey, William Blewett, Michael Page and John (Jack) Breen. May they rest in peace.