A WARM WELCOME TO ALL OUR VISITORS. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass. “One off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thank you.
Today is World Mission Day: there will be a second collection for the Association for the Propagation of the Faith. For those who pay tax, special envelopes are available at the back of the church to gift-aid your donation.
The Rosary is said before Mass each Sunday in October; at 10.30 am at the Sacred Heart; at 8.30am at St John’s and at 5.00pm at St Helen’s. Please sign the list to lead the Rosary at the Sacred Heart.
MISSIO COLLECTION BOXES It’s that time of year for calling in the Red Boxes, the APF or Mission collection boxes. Could you please hand these to Peter Adamson for those in Aylsham; Sue Perrott for the Sacred Heart and Maureen Keane for St Helen’s over the next two or three weeks. Thank you.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets on Monday(20th): am – Computer Workshop: pm – A presentation of 1940’s memorabilia by Julie Buck.
AT ST HELEN’S: Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion is on Monday 20th October at 7.00pm.
ST HELEN’S 4TH WEDNESDAY CLUB for senior citizens meets on 22nd October. Coffee is at 11.30am, a simple hot lunch is at 12.30pm, finishing with tea and cake at 4.00pm. This month we will be bringing along suitable items and filling the shoeboxes for the Christmas Child Appeal. All over 60s are welcome: cost: £2.00
BIBLE STUDY GROUP meets on Friday 24th Oct in the parish hall at 2.30pm.
MASS INTENTIONS Please use the specially printed envelopes.. Fr James needs to know from which of our 3 church communities a Mass Intention is requested.
MINUTES of the Parish Pastoral Council meeting of 26th June ‘14 are now on church notice boards and on the parish website. Nominations are requested for 2 PPC representatives, one for St Helen’s and one for St John’s. Nomination forms are at the back of each church. Please would you ensure that completed nomination forms are handed to Fr James by the end of October.
A FEDERATION HEAD is required for: St Benet’s Catholic Primary School, Beccles and St Edmund’s Catholic Primary School, Bungay. For details please go to Diocesan Website: www.catholiceastanglia.org
JOURNEY INTO FAITH For anyone wishing to join the Journey Into Faith programme, the sessions take place on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm at St John of the Cross, Aylsham. Further information call Bob on 01263 577784.
THE INDUCTION OF FR DAVID by Bishop Alan Hopes takes place on Friday 31st October at 7.30pm at the Church of St Henry Morse, Diss. The coach will ‘pick up’ from: Aylsham 5.00pm; N Walsham 5.20pm and Hoveton 5.40pm. Please be punctual – it cannot wait for stragglers! Cost: £5. Numbers are limited, only 15 from each parish as the church at Diss is small.
FIRST COMMUNION PROGRAMME 2014/15 If your child is in Year 3 or above and you wish him/her to be enrolled in the Parish Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, please complete a registration form for enrolment, to be found at the back of the church asap.
SURVIVE-MIVA (Missionary Vehicle Assoc.) We have received a letter of thanks for our response to the appeal made on behalf of Survive-Miva on 9th/10th August last, for the welcome the speakers received and hospitality given that weekend. Posters expressing their gratitude are displayed in our church porches. Our combined total was £737.60.
THE DIOCESAN ‘LEARNING TOGETHER’ PROGRAMME – Autumn 2014 is now on church notice boards, sessions all linked to the New Evangelisation. Please see poster for details or e-mail learning2014together@yahoo.co.uk or leave a message for Deacon John on 01638 662492.
CAMBODIA NEWS: see the latest on the Cambodia boards or on the parish website under ‘Cambodia Blog’. Fr Philip Shryane is presently on sabbatical in Cambodia. You can follow his work in Siem Reap at http://frphilipincambodia.blogspot.com
The Ebola virus in West Africa has infected more than 8,000 people. Some estimates suggest that without rapid action in the next 3 months the number could be nearer 1.4 million before Christmas. If you wish to give your support CAFOD is working with partners in the region. You can donate online at: cafod.org.uk/ebola or call 03001000089.
THE SHOEBOX APPEAL (Samaritan’s Purse International – Operation Christmas Child) We are shortly to receive leaflets giving details of gifts suitable for the various age groups for boys & girls (for North Walsham & Hoveton). However, do go ahead selecting items and covering boxes if you are familiar with the process. (Aylsham have their own system for this appeal).
We pray for all those whose anniversaries are at this time including: John William Perrin, Margaret (Peggy) Trevallion, Aloysino Antony Faupel, Adrian Joseph Beresford (Ted) Frye, Frank Taylor, Irene Gladys Przybyla, Henry Honey and Joan Gwendlen Weston.
May they rest in peace. Amen.