Dear Friends,
To exchange names is an important stage in every ongoing relationship. When God reveals his name to Moses it changes the relationship between God and his people and puts them in a unique place in his plan of salvation. For us, to make the Sign of the Cross – ‘in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’ – it expresses the nature of our relationship with God, the blessed Trinity.
Father James
Just a reminder that every Sunday from 10.30 am Faithful Flames Children’s Group will be running in the parish hall at the Sacred Heart for all children up to the age of 16. Would be great to see you! Kerry – 0750 4048352.
‘Day by Day’, a Lenten Journey of Prayer for 2022 – (£1). There are still a few books available.
At St Helen’s each Wednesday during Lent there will be Stations of the Cross immediately after Mass. Morning Prayer (integrated into the weekday Mass) has started again. Holy Hour & Eucharistic Adoration is on Thursdays at St Helen’s, at 3pm – a time for quiet reflection, meditation and contemplation.
Looking ahead, a Service of Reconciliation will be held at the Sacred Heart Church on Saturday 9th April at 11.30am when 3 priests will be available for individual confessions.
The Chrism Mass will take place at the Cathedral on Tuesday, 12th April at 12 noon. We are planning to share a coach with Sheringham provided we have enough people who wish to attend. Please sign up this weekend.
St Helen’s 4th Wednesday Club for senior citizens next meets on 23rd March. Coffee is served from 11am, a simple hot lunch at 12.30pm. You are welcome to join us at any time; for this £2.50. If coming for the first time, please leave a message on 01692 582418 by Tuesday 22nd March, thank you.
Churches Together North Walsham – the Lenten Lunches. These are served at different churches at 12.30pm on Thursdays, the next one being on 24th March in the St Nicholas Church Hall: speaker, Major Joy Caddy from the Salvation Army. The proceeds go to Christian Aid. Please see the poster in the porch for further dates, venues and speakers. All are welcome.
Urgent need for rented accommodation. Careworkers, working locally in the North Walsham area and who have joined our church community, are looking for flats, houses, with a limited time in which to find such accommodation. Please phone parish office 01692 403258 or email
Does anyone have a car they wish to sell? A parishioner is looking for a small used car for her work.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton and Patricia Newton.
We pray for Margaret Lankester and Hayden Hoolchan who died recently and for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Kathleen (Kay) Pearce, Henry (Dukie) Leeland, Peter Carapata, Mary Halliday, Michael Sherry, Reginald Broad, Robert Watson, Denis Condon, James (Jim) McCartan, Ivy Cafferky, Lawrence Carroll, Herbert Coates and Gertrude Carter-Leavy.
May they rest in peace.