A WARM WELCOME TO ANY VISITORS who may be with us this weekend, staying with family and friends or just here on holiday: we hope you have an enjoyable time in beautiful North Norfolk. You are welcome to stay for coffee after our weekend Masses and meet some of our parishioners.
We again thank Fr Peter Brown for his continued celebration of our Sunday Masses whilst Fr Michael is supplying in Newmarket.
CHANGES TO OUR MASS TIMES Please note there may still be the necessity to change a number of our usual Mass times during the summer months – please be sure to check with the bulletin each week.
NEXT SUNDAY is Day for Life when there will be a 2nd collection the proceeds of which will go to The Anscombe Bioethics Centre and other life-related activities supported by the Church.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP is now on their summer break. There will be no further meetings until Monday 15th September.
ST HELEN’S 4TH WEDNESDAY CLUB for senior citizens takes place on 23rd July. Coffee is served from 11.30am; hot lunch is at 12.30pm followe4d by social activities, games and a free raffle. We finish with tea and cake at 4.00pm. All over 60s are welcome. All inclusive cost £2.
NATIONAL CATHOLIC GRANDPARENTS’ ASSOC. PILGRIMAGE – at the Shrine of Our Lady in Walsingham on Saturday 26th July, the feast of St Anne & St Joachim, from 11am to 5pm. 12noon Mass will be celebrated by Fr Dennis McBride. Fun, games and children’s entertainment. The Walsingham story will be staged with the help of local actors. Please bring a picnic lunch. All are welcome.
Special Invitation Cards for grandparents to use to remind a family member to accompany them to Walsingham on the Pilgrimage (Pl find at the back of the church).
OPEN GARDEN To celebrate 50 years of Samaritans in Norwich and a chance to see the Bishop (Anglican) of Norwich’s gardens takes place TODAY (Sunday 20th), 1-5pm: in 4 acres of landscaped gardens, music, singing, art exhibition, games, entertainment plus refreshments and cakes on sale Adults £3: children & wheelchair users free. Entrance is on Bishopgate, Norwhich, NR3 1SB. Please see poster on notice boards.
VOLUNTEERS please, to provide coffee/tea and refreshments at North Walsham in the parish hall after Sunday Mass – the more on the rota, the less times one has to do it! but it is a wonderful way to get to know many in the parish, so do come forward.
ROTAS for Readers (NW); named copies are available for collection.
THE SUMMER EDITION OF MANGO NEWS is now available. Some parishioners will already have received it by email as part of a plan to reduce the number of printed copies needed. In future we propose to extend this to as many people as possible so if you are willing to receive Mango News by email it would be very helpful if you could make your wishes known by contacting Katie at katbob@live.co.uk A limited number of printed copies will continue to be available in our 3 churches and Mango News is also on the parish website under Support Cambodia.
PARISH PHOTOGRAPHERS:The PPC would like to improve the photographic record of parish events. Any of your photographs which you think may enhance our records please send to John Bolger – bolger@waitrose.com
WINE & CHEESE EVENING for St John of the Cross Roof Fund – Kay and Clare would like to thank all those who supported the Wine & Cheese evening last weekend either by coming or by giving a donation. We were able to raise the magnificent sum of £1,067 so, currently the ‘Roof Fund’ stands at £7,869 with further fund raising ie. ‘Race Night’, planned for the Autumn.
DAY OF RECOLLECTION Rob & Clare Hardie are hosting a Franciscan Day of Recollection in their house, barn and garden, next Saturday 26th July from 10.30am to 3.30pm. ALL are very welcome. Please bring a “Bring and Share” lunch. Any queries please ring 01603 897609.
Parish Picnic is on Sunday 17th August at North Walsham following the morning Mass.
Memorial Garden Mass – North Walsham will be held on Thursday 21st August at 6.00pm.
SPONSORED BIKE RIDE & WALK (Norfolk Churches Trust) is on Saturday 13th September, 9am – 5pm. Sponsorship forms are available in church porches also online at norfolkchurchestrust.org.uk/sponsored-bike ride. It is hoped that a number of you will feel able to rise to the challenge of this very worth and healthy event.
PARISH SUPPORT GROUP Remember we have a support group that can be reached by phoning 07501 265779, or speak to Hilary or Marianne initially.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Eva Emmerline Dooney, Frank George Diamond, Terence John Green, Anthony Russell Randall, Florence Maud Cullingford and Victor Emanuel Azzaro.
May they rest in peace. Amen.