A WARM WELCOME to all our VISITORS: we hope you have a very enjoyable time here in beautiful North Norfolk. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass and meet some of our parishioners. “One off” gift envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thanks.
Following a truly wonderful and historic occasion at the Cathedral last Tuesday, the Installation of Bishop Alan as 4th Bishop of East Anglia, we as a parish have to add our own important acknowledgement: “Father David, just as Bishop Alan expressed his thanks, we too are all extremely grateful to you for running the diocese with such expertise these last two years, and without neglecting your parish in doing so, but also – we are so very proud of you”.
Next Sunday is Day for Life when there will be a 2nd collection for Life Charities.
“Doorway to Faith” (booklet) – Part 4 is now available in the church porch at a cost of only £1.00 (cover price £1.50 – we have a bulk order). This is the last part and is highly recommended for this “Year of Faith”.
HOVETON COMMUNITY MEETING follows Mass this evening (Saturday).
“DESTINATION AYLSHAM” Today, (Sunday) as part of the town’s weekend of celebrations, Churches Together (Aylsham) are holding an Ecumenical Service at 10.45am on the recreation ground, where later, in the afternoon the celebrations continue. Do come along to show your support.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP now have their Summer break: meetings will resume on Monday 16th September.
ST HELEN’S 4TH WEDNESDAY CLUB for Senior Citizens next takes place 24th July. Coffee and biscuits from 11.30am, lunch at 12.30pm followed by social activities and games. There is a free raffle and we finish with cake and tea at 4.30pm. All over 60s welcome.
GIFT FOR FR HENRY WHISENANT Fr Henry will be visiting the parish next weekend and following the Saturday 5.30pm Mass and the Sunday 11.00am Mass there will be a glass of wine (& soft drinks) and nibbles on hand to welcome him. (coffee etc at Aylsham – bit early for wine!). The parish collection came to £709.55.
DISABLED PARKING We now have 2 Disabled Parking spaces, labelled, in all 3 church car parks. Please do try to leave these spaces for our Blue Badge Holders. In the Sacred Heart car park there are also “No Parking” signs each side of the ramp to the side entrance to enable people to “stop and drop-off” passengers who find walking through the car park difficult; please do not leave cars parked in these “drop-off” areas as it makes access to the car park difficult for other users. Thank you.
ROTAS (North Walsham) for Readers are available in the church porch.
NATIONAL GRANDPARENTS’ PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM is next Sunday 28th July: starts at 11.00am – 4.30pm. A day of faith and fun for all.
WORLD YOUTH DAY ONLINE UPDATES Do follow what our WYD pilgrims are doing in Brazil from 15th – 31st July by going to: www.catholiceastanglia.org/youth and clicking on the WYD updates link. Sarah Shippey is attending from our parish.
FOODBANK A letter of appreciation and thanks to our three communities for the support we have shown together with a list of food items most needed is on church notice boards. Do keep the donations coming.
SPONSORED BIKE RIDE & WALK (Norfolk Churches Trust) will take place on Saturday 14th September 9.00am-5.00pm. Sponsorship forms are available in church porches also on line at norfolkchurchestrust.org.uk/sponsored-bike ride It is hoped that a number of you will feel able to rise to the challenge of this very worthy and healthy event.
World Youth Day ‘At Home’ – 26th-29th July: national event for young people aged 16+. For information go to www.catholiceastanglia.org/youth
AUGUST DIOCESAN CAMPS at Eccles Hall, Norfolk: Junior Camp 8-14yrs Friday 23rd August – Monday 26th. Pl contact Fr David for an application form.
MEMORIAL GARDEN MASS is on Wednesday 21st August at 6.00pm.
WHEN NOTIFYING A PRIEST to visit patients admitted to the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital, all requests should be made to the Cathedral on 01603 624615: however, in a real emergency (for someone near to death) the Duty Hospital Chaplain’s bleep no. 07623611724 may be used. This number should not be used for general visits.
Also, don’t forget to let Fr David if anyone in the parish is unable to get to Mass through ill health etc so that Holy Communion may be taken to them.
PARISH SUPPORT GROUP Don’t forget we have a support group that can be reached either by phoning 07501 265779 or via email pssacredheart@outlook.com
CATHOLIC PAPERS (monthly and weeklies) available at the back of church.
We pray for Gloria Moolchan who died just over a week ago: we remember her family and friends in prayer. We pray also for all those who anniversaries are at this time including: Eva Emmerline Dooney, Frank George Diamond, Terence John Green, Anthony Russell Randall, Florence Maud Cullingford and Victor Emmanuel Azzaro.
May they rest in peace. Amen.