A WARM WELCOME to all our VISITORS. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass (Aylsham and North Walsham) and meet some of our parishioners. Our visitors may like to use one of the “one off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection, available at the back of the church. Many thanks.
PARISH CAROL SERVICE is this afternoon at 3pm in the Sacred Heart Church. This is for everyone. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served after the service. Do come and fill the church.
PARISH CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY follows the Service in the Parish hall at 4pm (regrettably, only for the children who have signed up).
READERS & MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION are required at North Walsham for the Midnight Mass. Please sign up on the list in the porch. Children who would like to read at the 6pm Family Mass should speak to Fr David.
Christmas Eve:
Family Mass – The Sacred Heart Church, North Walsham at 6.00pm.
Midnight Mass -The Sacred heart Church, North Walsham (Carols from 11.40pm)
Christmas Day:
St John of the Cross, White Hart Street, Aylsham at 9.00am.
St Helen’s Horning Road West, Hoveton at 10.30am.
THE COLLECTION taken at these Christmas Masses is the traditional Christmas gift to your priest. Any regular Sunday collection envelopes for Parish Funds should be held until the following weekend (Sat 28th/Sun 29th). As mentioned above, visitors may like to use the gift aid envelopes for the collection, available at the back of the church. Many thanks.
CAROL SINGING (organised by Churches Together)
Entrance to Tesco at Aylsham – Mon 23rd December 5.30-6.30pm
The Market Place in Aylsham on Tuesday 24th December at 10.00am.
An opportunity to give Witness to the true meaning of Christmas – do come along.
OPEN HOUSE: Fr David invites parishioners to the Presbytery on New Year’s Day, Wednesday 1st January following the 10.30am Mass. All are welcome.
ST HELEN’S 4th WEDNESDAY CLUB there is no meeting in December – our next meeting will be on 22nd January 2014.
HOVETON: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help with counting St Helen’s collections – normally for about 30 minutes after Saturday evening Mass, once every seven weeks or so, less if more people volunteer! Please contact Peter Walmsley.
JOURNEY INTO FAITH resumes meetings on Wednesday 8th January.
BISHOP ALAN INVITES YOU to join him in a Mass for the Sick at St John’s Cathedral, in a Celebration of our Lady of Lourdes: this will include the Sacrament of Anointing. It is on Saturday 15th February 2014 at 12noon. (The Bishop will be leading the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes on 22-29 Aug 2014).
DIOCESAN YEAR BOOK with LITURGICAL CALENDAR (Ordo) 2014 is now available in the church porch at the reduced price of £3.00 – a very useful booklet, listing Feast/Saints Days and information on the diocese and all its parishes. An excellent buy!
EVANGELII GAUDIUM (The Joy of the Gospel) This is the latest writing from Pope Francis and is well worth reading. Fr David has a few copies at the special price of £4.50p (published price £4.95)
CHRISTMAS DAY LUNCH (Churches Together in North Walsham) It may still be possible for those living in North Walsham, who will be on their own on Christmas Day, to join others who are similarly placed (no matter what age) for an enjoyable Christmas lunch (free) at the Community Centre. Pl see Fr David.
NEW YEAR EPIPHANY CANDLELIGHT MASS for young people on 4th January at 6pm at The White House, Poringland. All the family welcome. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Alan and will be followed by refreshments, a bonfire and fireworks. For details go to www.catholiceastanglia.org/youth
Tony and Maria Kelly would like to thank all the parishioners for their prayers and Masses and to wish everyone a happy Christmas & a prosperous and healthy 2014. (In his own handwriting he adds “I’m holding my own”).
CYCLE OF PRAYER: During Advent & Christmastide we are asked to pray for an openness to God’s Word; Migrants, Refugees and Expectant Mothers.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Berthe (Teddy) Palmer, Alice Winifred Taylor, Richard Nicholas Barrett, Doreen Clark, Juliette Josephine (Nan) Davies, Nora Slater, Frank Loads, Francesco Carlucci, Agnes Mary Webster, John Lawrence Peter Hall, Thomas Walter Patrick Proud, June Anne Cole and George Mousley.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
Fr David and Deacon Ron would like to take this opportunity of wishing Parishioners and our visitors the Peace and Joy of Christmas and every Blessing for the New Year.