Dear Friends,
While we are individuals we are also social beings. We are called to a personal relationship with Christ but that relationship requires membership of his Body the Church. In our churches the Word of God is proclaimed week after week announcing the presence of the One who is the Word.
We are planning to begin the Confirmation course soon. Enrolment forms can be found in each of our churches.
Father James
The Journey in Faith group meets today at 6pm in the presbytery.
The Synodal Pathway: Ten Questions
1. How welcoming is our parish?
2. How good are we at listening?
3. How good are we at communicating?
4. How well does the Church’s Liturgy inspire a deeper encounter with the Risen Lord?
5. How well do I understand and participate in the mission of the Church?
6. How well do we engage with the wider world?
7. How good is our relationship with other Christian traditions?
8. How well do we work as a team in our parish?
9. How open are we to the will of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit?
10. How well do we hand on the Faith?
Lists with these questions are in church porches for you to give your answers and there are boxes in which to leave your responses. You can also respond online. Simply go to the diocesan website which gives a direct link to the online survey: We are all encouraged to take part in this global consultation process as requested by Pope Francis.
St Helen’s 4th Wednesday Club meets 26th January. Coffee & biscuits are served from 11.30am, there is simple hot lunch at around 12.30pm – 1pm followed by a free raffle, social activities and games. You may come for all of the day or just any part of the day if you wish. We finish around 3.30pm with tea and cake. If you are coming for the first time, please ring 01692 582418 by 2pm on Tuesday 25th January.
Holy Hour & Eucharistic Adoration is on Thursdays at St Helen’s, at 3pm – a time for quiet reflection, meditation and contemplation
The recent deaths of four of our parishioners has been a sad loss for their families and for our parish family. Here are the details of their funerals which will all take place at the Sacred Heart church:
27th January (Thursday) at 10.30 am: Requiem Mass for Sheila Condon
31st January (Monday) at 10.30 am: Requiem Mass for Derek Palman
1st February (Tuesday) at 10 am: Requiem Mass for John Bradley
4th February (Friday) at 11.30 am: Requiem Mass for Hilary Bolger
John Bolger wishes to thank everyone for the support he has received from the parish.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley, Mary Carr, Paul Watson and Patricia Newton.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Gregory Noble, Ruth Flood, Jacqueline Beardshaw, Elizabeth Hammond, Mary Phillips, Minnie Nicholls and John Halsey.
May they rest in peace.