“In the storm’s of life, you can survive by grace, faith and hope.”
On the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, the readings show God’s power and love. They remind us to trust in Him and live as new creations in Christ. The Holy Mother church reminds and encourages us, her children, that Christ is with us even in the midst of all the storms of this life. Therefore, this is a worthy cause for celebration and thanksgiving because we are so glad that Jesus cares for us.
Father Peter
Next weekend there will be a Second Collection for Peter’s Pence.
Parish Census. In order that our Parish records are kept up to date we have to carry out a census in our three churches. It would be very much appreciated if each of our parishioners would kindly take the forms given out at the end of Sunday Mass. The forms ask for basic details, essential for Fr Peter, our Parish Priest, in his pastoral work, that he know his parishioners and their needs. There are also questions on any skills and ministries held and general participation in parish life. All information received will be held in confidence and used only in accordance with Data Protection Law. Please could you return the forms within two weeks. Thank you.
Sacred Heart SVP Conference. Parishioners from St John of the Cross have formed a St Vincent de Paul group (SVP conference). Set-up of the conference is underway and so we hope to be ready to start taking referrals to help and support vulnerable people from the autumn of 2024. Any enquiries or referrals to the group should first be made via the office in the presbytery (from the autumn) until further notice.
Eucharistic Ministers from our three churches are asked to attend a meeting on Saturday 20th July from 11.30am – 1.30pm in the parish hall.
Senior Citizens’ Social Group. Parishioners interested in forming this group should, please, add their names to the list in the church porch. The group will meet on Mondays in the hall. Once established the group will be looking for someone to manage and generally run the meetings and organize the activities. If anyone feels they can give their time and find genuine interest in leading such a group please ring Art on 07931 891278 or email: artfwilliams@outlook.com
Future Parish Events:
“Sacred Heart’s Got Talent!” Do you have a talent you wish to share with the parish? Then come and show us at “Sacred Heart’s Got Talent”, talent show! Free for everyone and anyone can enter on Saturday 27th July at 3pm in the parish hall. Please speak to Kerry to sign up or for more details!
“Family Faith, Food & Fun” Day. On Saturday 17th August we will be having a “faith, food & fun” day at the Sacred Heart, NW., 12.pm – 4pm. The plan is to have lots of stalls and games but mainly to bring a sense of community to the 3 churches! I am in need of volunteers so please, if you’re willing to help, contact Kerry on 07504 048352.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Paul Watson, Patricia Newton, Celia Cooper, Marie Barton, Margaret Larkins, Daphne Necchi, Bert Pooler, Maria Halsey, Joan Macnamara, Richard Skelton, Teresa Fitzmaurice, Joan Gale, Bernadette Saunders, Doreen Rockey and daughter Sandra and Pam Thornton; to include others who are sick.
We pray for Bernard Ollivier and Robert Buhagiar who died recently and we remember their families at this time. We pray also for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Nellie Howell, Mary Gowing, Sheila Butler, Victor Kavanagh, Iris Sherry and Francesco Caffarelli.
May they rest in peace.