A WARM WELCOME TO ALL OUR VISITORS Do join us for coffee after Mass and meet some of our parishioners. You may like to use a gift-aid envelope for your collection, available at the back of the church. Thank you.
TODAY we celebrate the wonderful Solemnity of Christ the King, the final Sunday of the Church’s liturgical year.
There is a Second Collection today for the Diocesan Youth Service. (See below).
Next Sunday is the beginning of Advent. We move to Sunday Readings from Year B. (Readers please note).
The Ebola virus in West Africa has infected more than 8,000 people and the number steadily increasing. If you wish to give your support CAFOD is working with partners in the region. Donate online at: cafod.org.uk/ebola or call 03001000089.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets on Monday 24th: am. Computer Workshop; pm. “Walsingham” – A new DVD.
PASTORAL COUNCIL The next PPC meeting will be on Tuesday, 25th November at 7.30 pm.
ST HELEN’S 4th WEDNESDAY CLUB for senior citizens next meets on 26th November. Coffee is served at 11.30am; there is a simple hot lunch at 12.30pm, followed by social activity and games. We finish at 4.00pm with tea and cake.
There will be no meeting in December.
BIBLE STUDY GROUP meets on Friday 28th at 2.30pm, studying the Gospel for the following Sunday.
SERVICE OF RECONCILIATION On Saturday, 29th November (not December!) at 11.30 am there will be a Service of Reconciliation at North Walsham when 4 priests will be available for individual confessions.
“COME, LORD JESUS” Sung Evening Prayer for the First Sunday in Advent – Sunday 30th November at 4.00pm at St John of the Cross, Aylsham. The whole parish is warmly invited to our candlelit Parish Advent Service of readings, music & prayer. Bring your friends and neighbours and make this a very special start to the beautiful Season of Advent; it is followed by refreshments. Should you need a lift, please ask – and drivers, please offer. Everyone is welcome.
DIOCESAN YOUTH SERVICE ‘OUTREACH’ MINISTRY To help celebrate Youth Sunday and the launch of our new Outreach Ministry ‘Ignite’, the Diocesan Youth service is inviting anyone who uses Facebook or Twitter to “like”, “follow”, or send us a message. Please see www.facebook.com/IgniteEA and www.twitter.com/IgniteEA Also please do take a Youth Service newsletter from the porch.
MISSIO COLLECTION BOXES Please could you hand in your Red Boxes, the APF or Mission collection boxes: to Peter Adamson at Aylsham; Sue Perrott at the Sacred Heart and Maureen Keane at St Helen’s. Thank you. The Mission has issued its annual Calendar for 2015, available in church porches FREE. Thank you.
SUPPORT CAMBODIA The Appeal, launched last weekend, will remain open until 14th December. There is a tin for donations at the back of the church or please place an envelope marked ‘FAO Bob Maidment’. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, please call 01263 577784 for details. Grateful thanks to all who have contributed so far.
Mango News:A limited number of paper copies of the charity’s newsletter, Mango News, are now available for those who do not have email. All e-registered parishioners should have already received their copy. To register, please email Katie at katbob@live.co.uk
The Catholic Grandparents Association is looking to appoint an Administration Coordinator in their office at Fakenham. Standard office hours or possible flexible hours for the right candidate. For details ring 01328 560333 or email Phil Butcher: phil@catholicgrandparentsassociation.org
Volunteers are needed at St Helen’s to take over the First Wednesday coffee club as the existing team will not be continuing after December.Please see Cyril, Lesley, Dave or Mary for more information.
CHARITY CHRISTMAS CARDS supporting Christian Aid and Traidcraft cards plus 19 other charities are on sale at “The Original Norwich Charity Christmas Card Shop” (new venue) All Saints Church, Westlegate, Norwich until 19th December, Monday – Saturday 9.30am until 5.00pm.
CHRISTMAS CARDS – on sale in the Parish Christmas cards in aid of Support Cambodia will be available for sale in the Sacred Heart Church hall after Mass on the Sundays leading up to Christmas. Also available are cards from Fairtrade, displayed on a table in the church porch at North Walsham.
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Lowestoft. Headteacher required from September 2015. Details on diocesan website: www.catholiceastanglia.org
We pray for Arthur Michael (Mike) Beardshaw who died last Monday at the age of 93 years, also Carmel White. We pray also for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Malcolm Craven, Francesco Carlucci,, Patricia Honey, Maureen Hardingham and Frieda Summerhill.
May they rest in peace.