4th Week in Eastertide.
Today is sometimes called Good Shepherd Sunday. Jesus sees himself as a true shepherd who cares for his flock, unlike the religious leaders of Israel. Sheep instinctively need a shepherd as protector and guide.
We are, I hope, on the road back to normal life and returning to our usual format for the newsletter is a sign of this.
God bless,
Father James
A Second Collection will be taken today for the Diocesan Priests’ Training Fund. This supports the training of our seminarians.
The Rosary (North Walsham) will be said at 10.30 am prior to Mass during the Sundays of May. Those who would like to lead, please speak with Adrian or Antonia. There are similar arrangements at Aylsham and Hoveton.
At the Sacred Heart all services are now live streamed and are accessible from your computer. To access them click here.
If you wish to attend a Sunday Mass you need to book a place with the co-ordinator for each church. Should you find you are unable to attend please make contact with your co-ordinator to cancel that booking and ‘free up’ a place for somebody else.
John Bolger at the Sacred Heart – 01692 581516 (bolger@waitrose.com)
Fran Ludden at Aylsham – 07849 602227 (fran.ludden@supanet.com)
Richard McGreevy, Hoveton – 01603 738255 (richardmcgreevy@supanet.com
The red Missio boxes should now be returned to the church for counting
CAFOD thank the parish for our generous support: we raised £870.48 in our collection on 28th February last.
CAFOD is reminding us to take action to stop the climate crisis. In November World leaders will gather in Glasgow where we, the UK, will be hosting the summit to agree a plan to bring about an end to the crisis. We are asked to sign this petition – go online to UN ‘COP26’ where you will find the necessary details or pick up the green card entitled The eyes of the world are on us! and post it.
Ignite Festival. Join members of the Ignite team for music, inspiring talks, workshops and prayer. This takes place on Saturday and Sunday, 1st and 2nd May from 7.00 to 8.30pm.
Items for the newsletter will be most welcome, to be sent please by email by the Tuesday of the week, or if urgent, at the very latest by Wednesday, no later than 12 noon.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell and Mary Carr.
We pray for Tony Boast, Lorna Diamond and Tony Randall who died recently, and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Connie Newsham, Robert (Bob) Maidment, Sally Lovell, Livia Caffarelli, John Browne, Betty Empson, Nuala Wilders, David Bullen and Linda Slater. May they rest in peace.
The Mass at Aylsham on Sunday 25th April will be offered for Bob Maidment to mark the first anniversary of his death. On Friday 14th May, the anniversary of Bob’s burial, the 9.30am Mass will also be offered for Bob (no Requiem Mass was possible at the time). Parishioners from all three communities are welcome but you will need to book a place. Please contact Fran Ludden by email or test (see opposite page).