A WARM WELCOME to all our VISITORS. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass. “One off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thanks.
TODAY we celebrate the wonderful Solemnity of Christ the King, the final Sunday of the Church’s year and conclusion to the Year of Faith: it is also Youth Sunday and there will be a Second Collection for the Diocesan Youth Service.
We warmly welcome back Fr. David from his much deserved break and hope he is refreshed and rested to resume his numerous commitments, and take us on again!
IN REMEMBRANCE You will find in each church a Memorial Book or paper slips on which to write the names of your deceased loved ones; these will be placed on the altar during Masses throughout November.
NEXT SUNDAY is the beginning of Advent: the enclosed insert gives details of important Liturgies and Events in the parish leading up to Christmas. We move for our Sunday Readings to Year A. (Readers please note).
SUNG EVENING PRAYER for the First Sunday of Advent, next Sunday at 4.00pm, at St John of the Cross, Aylsham. A beautiful and prayerful start to the Season, for the whole parish. Do come along: offer or seek a lift.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP – Meets Monday 25th November: am. Computer Workshop; pm. A Quiz.
ST HELEN’S 4TH WEDNESDAY CLUB for senior citizens meets 27th November. Coffee will be served from 11.30am, hot lunch at 12.30pm; finishing at 4pm with tea and cake. This month we will be making Christmas table decorations under the expert eye of Liz! We will have greenery and you are welcome to bring along anything you wish to incorporate into your decoration.
At our October meeting we were able to fill 12 shoeboxes for the Christmas Child Appeal making a total of 18 from St Helen’s. Well done everyone! We are sure that the recipients will experience the joy of receiving as we did the joy of giving.
“The Spirit of East Anglia” this is a “one off” publication reflecting on our diocese in the Year of Faith. Do please pick up a copy. Free. It’s well worth reading.
FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE – a newsletter from the Diocesan Youth Service, looking back over the special events that took place during this Year of Faith and setting out a calendar of key events for the young in the coming year 2014. Do pick up a copy. We have plenty of copies so please pass one to any of your friends.,
PARISH SUPPORT GROUP Don’t forget we have a support group that can be reached – 07501 265779 or email pssacredheart@outlook.com They are there to help in anyway they can. – Just give a call.
MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE CONSULTATION in preparation for the synod the Pope has called for on the “Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelisation” – Our Parish Pastoral Council will be looking at the questions which have been sent out as a part of this consultation, but if anyone would like to see the questions and fill in online then go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FamilySynod2014 Closing date is 30th November.
JOURNEY INTO FAITH – How to become a Catholic or know more about the Catholic Faith: Wednesdays at 2.30pm in the Presbytery.
PPC ELECTIONS 2013 – The following parishioners have been elected to serve as PPC Representatives for our Parish. St. Helen’s – Mary Edmonds has been re-elected. St. John of the Cross – Carol Shippey. Sacred Heart – Hilary Bolger, has been re-elected and Adrian Rudman will fill the second vacancy. Thank you to Andrew Clark from St. John of the Cross who has completed his 3 years as PPC Representative. The next PPC Meeting will be on Tuesday 26th November in the Committee Room at North Walsham at 7.30 p.m.
FINAL POSTING DATE for greetings to Cambodia is Wed 4th Dec. Address slips are at the back of all our churches.
“GIFTS MAKE A DIFFERENCE” (GMD) Remember, this scheme is ongoing; items are still needed for all AWW charities including Cambodia: especially pencils, biros, rulers, erasers, toothbrushes. Lists & GMD boxes in church porches. Grateful thanks for items so far.
FOODBANK Newletter Do please read the latest bulletin (on notice board) with lists of the Foodbank’s most urgent needs plus a list of more festive items.
MISSION TODAY CALENDAR 2014 is available in our churches, FREE
SHOEBOX APPEAL Samaritan’s Purse, the organisers of the appeal, are extremely grateful for the boxes already collected. Please see poster in the porch.
30 from Aylsham, 18 from Hoveton and 16 from North Walsham. Well done!
Joanne Galea & family wish to convey their grateful thanks to Fr. David for the celebration of the Requiem Mass for Emanuel (Manny) on Friday 25th October and to the many parishioners who attended; the Galea family were quite overwhelmed by the number and felt it was a wonderful tribute to Manny who died suddenly on 7th October.
We pray for Fred Walker who died last Wednesday; we remember his family and friends at this time. We pray also for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Malcolm Craven, Francesco Carlucci, Patricia Mary Winifred Honey, Maureen Nora Hardingham, Frieda Katrina Hermine Summerhill, Linda Ward and Lucy Segovia.
May they rest in peace. Amen.