A WARM WELCOME TO ANY VISITORS who may be with us this weekend, staying with family and friends or just here on holiday: we hope you have an enjoyable time here in beautiful North Norfolk. You are welcome to stay for coffee after our weekend Masses and meet some of our parishioners.
We warmly welcome Fr Michael Griffin to our parish and hope he will enjoy his next three months with us in our three communities.
The Rosary is said at North Walsham at 10.30am prior to Mass during the Sundays of May. Those who would like to lead the Rosary please sign the list in the porch. There are similar arrangements for Aylsham & Hoveton. Leaflets on how to pray the Rosary are available – 30p each; proceeds to Cambodia.
BENEDICTION this afternoon is at 3.00pm. Following the request of our bishop we are joining with the Universal Church in a Holy Hour of Prayer, supporting our Holy Father as he visits the Holy Land. The hour will contain four themes: Adoration, Praise, Commitment and Benediction. This is for the larger parish and it is hoped that many will be there to support Pope Francis in prayer.
NEXT SUNDAY is the Feast of the Ascension and World Communications Day and there will be a 2nd collection for the Catholic Communication Network: it is a collection that enables the Network to engage with local and national media in a professional way. The website http://www.catholicnews.org.uk/communications-day-2014 will have more information and accounts of how this Network is vital in today’s world in spreading the news of the Gospel worldwide. Prayer cards will be available at the back of the church.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP Monday 26th May – there is no meeting as it is a Bank Holiday.
Walsingham: the Senior Citizens will be making their annual pilgrimage to Walsingham on Monday 7th June. Other parishioners are warmly invited to join us: the coach leaves the Sacred Heart at 10am, will be back by approx. 4pm. £5 per person towards the cost of the coach. Further details from Marianne MacQueen on 01692 402061.
CHILDREN’S PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM is on Tuesday 27th May, during the school half-term holiday. Procession from the village starts at 10.45am: Mass is at 12noon in the Chapel of Reconciliation followed by a picnic in the meadows. Hopefully the day ends on the beach at nearby Wells-Next-The -Sea.
AYLSHAM ROTARY CLUB SPONSORED WALK on Sunday 8th June. Several parishioners will be walking for Support Cambodia: if you would like to take part or provide sponsorship please speak to Bob Maidment on 01263 577784.
DIOCESAN CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE St John’s Cathedral, Norwich on Saturday 21st June at 11.00am; details to follow shortly.
INVOCATION 2014 takes place over the weekend of Friday 4th to Sunday 6th July 2014 in the grounds of St Mary’s College, Oscott. This is a national event, a mix of Faith and Friendship with over 500 other young people, aged between 16 to 30 years, who are seriously thinking about their commitment to Christ and their place in the life of the Church. The cost is £50 per person for the weekend. If you intend going please make contact with the Presbytery: booking forms/travel arrangements are available online at www.invocation.org.uk Applications to be made by Sunday 8th June, especially if you need to use the transport provided by the diocese. Pl see small poster for further details.
PARISH PHOTOGRAPHERS: The Parish Pastoral Council would like to improve the photographic record of parish events. If you have any photographs which you think may enhance our records please send them to John Bolger – bolger@waitrose.com Also If you would be willing to join a very small group to photograph future happenings please contact Michael Hawley – mhawley@mfhawley.plus.com The aim is to have one photographer from each community at each event, so the group should not be too overworked!
MISSION TEAM LEADER The Diocesan Youth Service wishes to appoint a Mission Team Leader: this is a fulltime residential position. Closing date for applications is 26th May. For information/application pack please go to www.catholiceastanglia and click on the Mission Team link.
‘Julian Quiet Day’ on the theme of ‘The Canticle of Brother Sun’ led by Rob Hardie OFS in the garden of Orchard Cottage, Newton Road, Hainford NR10 3BQ on Tuesday 3rd June from 10.30–3pm. All are most welcome. Drinks provided but please bring a packed lunch plus donation towards ‘Support Cambodia’. Please ring Mary Elsey -01263 732208 or Clare H.- 01603 897609.
CELEBRATING ST FURSEY at St Mary’s Church, Aldeby on Saturday 14th June at 2.00pm. Please see poster for details: bookings and enquiries to 01502 678229 or dorothybutler832@btinternet.com
“IGNITE” CATHOLIC YOUTH FESTIVAL – for all young people of secondary school age to young adults: takes place at Sacred Heart School, Swaffham on the 12th -13th July. Details on www.ignitefestival.co.uk
We welcome into God’s family through the waters of Baptism: Maddox, Beau and Raphiella Mitchell.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Frances Murphy, Mary Rose Lamb, Mary Josephine Stockham, Valerie Margaret O’Hara, Joan Beatrice Williamson and Thomas McGinty.
May they rest in peace. Amen.