Sacred Heart Parish Newsletter
3rd Week of Easter 2020
Today’s Gospel gives the account of the disciples who come to recognise Jesus on the road to Emmaus. The event looks back at the feeding of the five thousand and the Last Supper. It also looks forward to the central place of the Eucharist (the breaking of bread) in the life of the Church ever since. At present we are experiencing a sacramental ‘famine’ when the Mass is not available to us. Many of you have said how much they miss coming together for Sunday Mass. It is good to follow a ‘streamed’ Mass but it can never take the place of actually taking part and receiving Holy Communion.
You can follow Fr.Stephen Wang’s short course of catechetics which begins on Monday, 27th April on the Walsingham website.
We are looking to update the parish website. Does anyone know of someone who can help us do this?
Father James
Mass continues to be celebrated privately at 10.00 am each day in North Walsham.
Remember to pray for our sick parishioners: Bob Maidment, Maria Wilby, Matt Butler, John Gowing, Tom Ender, Derek and Frances Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice, David Battigan and Mary Carr.
We also remember Ursula (Sheila) Will and Sylvia McCready who died recently. We also pray for Mary Wilson, Maurice McManus, Gertrude Carter-Leavy, Anne Thornhill, Mamie Sweetman, Henry Newton, Rose White, Tony Dickerson, Millicent Lee, Barbara Stephen, Ronald Wilders, Alice Bean and Augustus, Heralty whose anniversaries occur this week.
Thanks to all who have already set up a standing order to maintain the parish’s finances. Our account number with Barclay’s is 10246018. The sort code is 20.03.26