Dear Friends,
When someone dies, especially if they have been a close relative or friend, our first reaction is often one of denial. The idea that they are no longer with us can seem impossible. Yet we know that they will not always be separated from us. Today’s first reading says that God made us ‘in the image of his own nature’ and made ‘man imperishable’. The Gospel today is about two dead people. The first was socially dead because of her condition. She was isolated, unprotected and ritually unclean. The second was dead by the time Jesus reached her. The common factor is the need for faith: ‘if I can touch even his clothes, I shall be well again’. And she is: ‘your faith has restored you to health’. Jairus has to face the defeatism of the crowd but is confident that Jesus can heal his daughter. In fact he gives her back alive to her father. For us and for every Christian death should not fill us with fear or dread: is simply a sleep which, through faith, opens out into a morning of resurrection.
On Friday and Saturday I will end the 4th year of my theology course with on-line exams. They will include Scripture, Moral theology, Church history and canon law. Just one more year to go!
Father James
At the Sacred Heart all Masses are accessible from your computer. Go to the parish website and click on ‘Live Streaming’.
If you wish to attend a Sunday Mass you need to book a place with the co-ordinator for each church.
Important: Should you find you are unable to attend please make contact with your co-ordinator to cancel that booking and ‘free up’ a place for somebody else.
John Bolger at N.Walsham: 01692 581516 (
Fran Ludden at Aylsham: 07849 602227(
R.McGreevy,Hoveton:01603738255 (
This weekend a second collection will be taken for Peter’s Pence.
Spiritual direction. Do you find prayer difficult? Are you plagued with distractions? Do you need help in finding the best way to pray? Books can help but many people find that they need the advice and encouragement of someone who will guide them gently on their spiritual journey. Father Paul Maddison is a priest of this diocese whom I have known for many years. Health issues mean that he is now semi-retired. He is offering a course in spiritual direction which you can follow on-line. Simply go to:
Readers of the Word: When restrictions are lifted and we return to the regular features in the Mass, we are going to need more readers, certainly at the Sacred Heart and possibly at St Helen’s and St John of the Cross. Please let us know if you would like to read in church – it is a very rewarding experience for the reader. Nearer the time there will be commissioning and training if needed.
The afternoon in the garden at North Walsham will now be held on Saturday 24th July from 3 – 5pm. This is a great opportunity for all three of our communities to come together socially. It would be helpful if you could let Antonia know (names and contact numbers) if you would be happy to help with the basic teatime refreshments. We will be putting out general lists nearer the time.
For those who appreciate organ music, St Nicholas Church in North Walsham is holding lunchtime recitals every Thursday in July at 12.30pm. Admission is free and you are welcome to bring your own lunch. Please see poster for details.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell and Mary Carr.
We pray for Balbina Siranas who died recently and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Victor Kavanagh, Iris Sherry, Francesco Caffarelli, Kathleen Ives, Nancy Flatley, James Metcalf, Patricia Bolton, Selma (Karen) Mortimer, Ellen McKeown and Martin Wood.
May they rest in peace.