A WARM WELCOME to all our VISITORS. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass. “One off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thanks.
During October the Rosary will be said 30 minutes before our Sunday Masses.
Jennifer Bracey, one of our Filipino parishioners, will be giving a short talk at the end of each Mass to raise awareness of the recent earthquake in the Philippines. There were many casualties and and many of the great historic churches have been lost, or seriously damaged. Any support we could give her towards help in her home ton would be much appreciated.
COLLECTORS This is the final week of the annual Mass count. Many thanks.
THE DIOCESAN CYCLE OF PRAYER for vocations to the oriesthood and religious life. our parish is asked to lead the diocesan prayer for vocations this weekend. please say a prayer for vocations each day during the coming week. there is leaflet at the back of the church with some suggested prayers.
ON FRIDAY we celebrate All Saints (a Holy Day of Obligation). We have a Mass in all three churches, times on the “Mass Times” page. November is traditionally the time for remembering the Faithful Departed, therefore on All Souls Day (Saturday) the morning Mass at Notth Walsham will be at 10.00 am for the whole parish. You will find a Book of Remembrance at each church for you to record the names of your deceased loved ones. Fr Paul Maddison will be celebrating these Masses – we are very grateful to him for being with us.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS. Nominations are still welcome but forms need to be handed to Fr David today. North Walsham is still short of one nomination.
SENIOR CITIZENS GROUP. No meeting this week (half term).
JOURNEY INTO FAITH. How to become a Catholic or know more about the Catholic Faith. Wednesdays at 2.30 pm in the Presbytery. All welcome.
REFLECTIONS on Mass readings. The weekly group will meet at Hoveton on Wednesday 6 November follwing the 9.30 Mass. Contact Renata Orlowska for details (07759 143391).
CHURCHES TOGETHER – NORTH WALSHAM will, as in previous years, be supporting a Christmas Day lunch in the Community Centre for anyone living within the North Walsham community who will be on their own on Christmas Day. To reserve a place simply write to Mr & Mrs R.J. Vincent, ‘Wisiwig’, 14 Marshgate, North Walsham, NR28 9EE, or email: roger.vincent@hotmail.co.uk (no phone calls).
Volunteers are also needed to help with driving and serving – please contact as above.
“YEAR OF FAITH”. There’s still time to put your thoughts into words about your faith so that we can have a collection of testimonies from our parish. We’ve had a few submissions come in – don’t be shy – it can also encourage others! “What does your faith mean to me” – 400 words maximum, please.
CELEBRATIONS for the end of the Year of Faith. Together with Pope Francis and every diocese across the world, the Diocese of East Anglia, in accordance with Bishop Alan’s expectations, will be marking this moment with a special celebration over three days – Friday 22 through to Sunday 24 November, the Solemnity of Christ the King. Amongst various events, on the Friday there will be a torchlight procession ofthe Blessed Sacrament from Norwich Castle to the Cathedral, and an All Night Vigil; also on the Saturday, a Solemn Mass of Celebration and Commissioning of each Parish for Mission at 11.00 am. Please put your names to both or either of the two lists in the church porch so that we can provide coaches for both events.
On Friday 22 November the coach will pick up as follows:
Aylsham at 6.00 pm; N.Walsham at 6.25 pm; Hoveton at 6.50 pm.
Passengers will be dropped off at Castle Mall at 7.30 and collected from the Cathedral at about 10.00 pm.
On Saturday 23 November pick up will be as follows:
Aylsham at 9.00 am; N.Walsham at 9.20 am; Hoveton at 9.40 am.
Arrival expected at 10.15 am for 11.00 Mass, refreshments available in the Narthex, departure around 2.00 pm.
Please make every effort to take part in some way as a witness of faith in this Year of Faith. We will just ask for a small donation to cover the cost of the coaches.
CHRISTMAS CARDS in aid of Support Cambodia are on sale in our three churches. Please try to buy a pack or two to give much needed support to the community in Svay Sisophon.
MISSIO COLLECTION BOXES. Please hand in your Red Boxes, the APF or Mission collection boxes to Peter Adamson (Aylsham), Sue Perrot (N.Walsham), or Maureen Keane (St Helen’s) over the next two weeks. Thank you.
SHOEBOX APPEAL. Leaflets needed for packing up shoeboxes are available at the back of the church at North Ealsham and Hoveton. Deadline for collectionin Sunday 17 November. Aylsham have their own system for this appeal.
NATIVITY PAINTING COMPETITION. The Knights of St Columba are organising the competition for young people aged 5 – 11. Please see the poster at the back of the church for details of how to enter.
We pray for Peter Williamson, Frank Harkin, Roger Anthony Northway, Barbara Ann Stringer, Gordon Summerhill, Anthony ‘Tony’ John Starmer, and Cecil Hilary (Harry). May they rest in peace. Amen.