A WARM WELCOME TO ANY VISITORS who may be with us this weekend. We hope you have an enjoyable stay here in beautiful North Norfolk. You are welcome to stay for coffee after Mass and meet some of our parishioners.
We are very grateful to Fr Michael Johnstone for presiding at this evening’s (Saturday) Mass at Hoveton also to Fr Franklin Watts who will be celebrating today’s Sunday morning Masses at Aylsham and North Walsham. Fr David will be at St George’s, Sprowston, covering their Masses this weekend.
HOVETON COMMUNITY MEETING – (today Saturday 27th) after Mass. All are welcome to raise matters relating to the community: please put them on the agenda.
AYLSHAM CHURCHES TOGETHER – Annual Open Meeting TODAY Sunday 28th April at 2pm at the Jubilee Church (near the station). Do come along.
THE ROSARY (North Walsham). The Rosary will be said at 10.30am prior to Mass during the Sundays of May. Those who would like to lead the Rosary please sign the list in the porch. There are similar arrangements for Aylsham & Hoveton. Leaflets on how to pray the Rosary are available – 30p each; proceeds to Cambodia.
6th May. Today is the final day for signing the COACH LIST. Cost £5. Coach picks up from Hoveton at 9.30am; North Walsham at 9.50am and Aylsham at 10.15am – arriving in Walsingham at 11.15am. See the Day’s Programme on the notice board. If you do not wish to walk the holy mile then the coach will drop you at the Shrine where you can get coffee etc and relax.
WALK TO WALSINGHAM FOR YOUNG PEOPLE – Year of Faith Pilgrimage. On Bank Holiday Monday 6th May, starting in the morning on Holkham Beach and joining the Diocesan Pilgrimage in time for Mass. All young people Year 7 upwards welcome. Please see www.catholiceastanglia.org/youth for more details.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets on Monday 29th April: am – Informal; pm – A Beetle drive led by Sheila Hall.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL – copies of Minutes of the meeting held on 29th January 2013 are now on the Parish Website and on notice boards in each church.
PARISH ANNUAL MEETING to be held Monday 20th May in the parish hall at North Walsham. Meeting commences at 7pm with the usual delicious supper, provided by St Helen’s parishioners, the dessert by Sacred Heart parishioners. Guest speaker is Dr Dilys Wadman, Acting Diocesan Communications Officer. Please sign the lists in the porch to let us know you will be attending. All are welcome.
CHILDREN’S PILGRIMAGE to Walsingham is on Tuesday 28th May (during half-term). Procession from the village starts at 10.45am: Mass at 12noon in the Chapel of Reconciliation followed by a picnic in the meadows. Hopefully the day ends on the beach at nearby Wells-Next-The Sea. Children provide the music for Mass, serve and read. Any musicians or servers from the parish should speak with Fr David. There’s no coach as many wish to travel by car.
HENRY WHISENANT’S ORDINATION will take place in the Cathedral, Norwich on Saturday 6th July at 12noon. Do make a note of the date now. We will be running a coach – details later.
FOODBANK (Norwich) are looking for a distribution centre in Wroxham. An Open Meeting will be held Wednesday 1st May at St Helen’s at 7pm. See poster.
LOOKING AHEAD Diocesan Celebration of Marriage & Family Life: is on Saturday 22nd June at 11am at St John’s Cathedral, Norwich. Pl see poster.
Mass for the Walsingham Association. on Saturday 11th May at Northampton Cathedral at 12noon – celebrated by Bishop Peter Doyle. Please see poster.
World Youth Day ‘At Home’ – 26th-29th July: national event for young people aged 16+. For information go to www.catholiceastanglia.org/youth
TEACHING POSITIONS on the diocesan website –
Click here for a link to the Schools Section, where teaching jobs are advertised. Updated all the time, it is a very useful resource. Currently being advertised are two Full-time Teaching Posts at St Laurence’s Primary School, Cambridge: a teaching post at the Sacred Heart School, Swaffham and Head of School/Deputy Head at St Edmund’s Primary School, Bury St Edmunds.
CHRISTIAN AID – North Walsham. This year the street collection day will be Thursday 16th May from 9am until 1pm at three points around the Market Place/Post Office area, in hourly slots though anybody willing to do longer is most welcome. Would those willing to do a slot please either ring the Presbytery (possibly leave a message) or put a note through the door.
CONCERT of Eclectic Mix of Music performed by the Norwich Music Group at Wymondham Abbey, Wymondham on Saturday 11th May at 7.30pm – includes the Fauré Requiem. Tickets £8. Profits to go to the Lymphoma Association. Please see poster and fliers for further details in the church porch.
We pray for Elsie Lacey who died recently and remember her family and friends at this time: her funeral is on 13th May at St Mary Magdalen, Ipswich. We pray also for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Livia Caffarelli, John Joseph Browne, Betty Ethelwyn Empson, David Bullen, Bernard Hugh Williams and Doris Marian Beaumont. May they rest in peace. Amen.