A WARM WELCOME to parishioners and to any visitors who are with us this Mothering Sunday weekend. You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after Mass, at Aylsham and North Walsham and now from this Saturday also at Hoveton. You may like to use a “one off” gift-aid envelope for your collection, available at the back of the church. Many thanks.
LENT 2014 Please keep your mauve leaflet ‘Lent 2014’ to hand; copies are still available at the back of the church: in them you will find listed all the Masses, Services and Devotions taking place over the coming weeks, events that can help us on our Lenten Journey.
Regular events throughout Lent: Stations of the Cross –
Hoveton: Wed mornings following 9.30am Mass. Aylsham: Friday mornings following 9.30am Mass. North Walsham: Fridays of Lent at 12noon.
Lent Lunches – North Walsham on Thursday and Aylsham on Friday (see booklet for venues).
Ecumenical Study Course – Hoveton on Thursday 3rd April (7-8.30pm). This week it is at St Helen’s Hoveton when Fr David will be leading the group on “Source of Love: Prayer as care”.
PARISH REFLECTION DAY led by Fr David on “The Joy of the Gospel” is on Monday 7th April in the parish hall; starting at 11.00am (coffee from 10.30) ending at 3.00pm. Please bring food for a shared lunch.
HOLY WEEK CHOIR PRACTICE As in previous years, all three parish communities are joining to form a choir to lead the singing on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and at the Easter Vigil, at North Walsham. All are welcome! The first of our three practices is on Saturday 5th April, 2.00pm at North Walsham. The other two are on Tuesday 8th April at 7.00pm at St John of the Cross, Aylsham and on Monday 14th April at 7.00pm at North Walsham. If you can’t come on Saturday but hope to sing with us during Holy Week, please let John know: tel. 01692 581516 or email: bolger@waitrose.com
HOLY WEEK We will require Readers and Ministers of Communion for the Holy Week Liturgies; also 12 parishioners for the Maundy Thursday evening Mass to have their feet washed (4 from each community). Please sign the lists at the back of the church. Please remember: The Readers’& Ministers’ lists are only to give an indication of the Masses/Services at which you are going to attend, thus enabling a choice to be made. Volunteers please required for refreshments at the Vigil Mass.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets Monday 31st: am Computer Workshop; at 1.45pm a visit from Stephen Matthews, the new Regional Director of CAFOD. All parishioners are welcome.
A RECONCILIATION SERVICE will be held at Our Lady of Refuge Church, Overstrand Rd. Cromer on Saturday 12th April at 11.00am.
CHRISM MASS takes place on Wednesday 16th April in the Cathedral of St John the Baptist, Norwich at 7.30pm. As usual we will have a coach for parishioners; picking up at Aylsham at 5.15pm; North Walsham at 5.35pm and Hoveton at 5.50pm. Departure from the Cathedral will be at 9.45pm. The cost of £4 will be collected on the 16th. Please sign the list at the back of the church. For those wishing to travel independently, please remember there is No Parking in the Cathedral parking areas except for Blue Badge holders: those holders should contact the Cathedral directly (012603 728935) giving their details and making sure that on the day they have the Blue Badge to hand.
SUPPORT CAMBODIA – “Soups, Slides & Crafts” event raised the wonderful total of £420.75. Grateful thanks to all who supported it so enthusiastically and to all who helped, especially Carol Shippey for (most of) the delicious soups.
SUPPORT OUR ROOF! The roof concert is at St John of the Cross on Friday 4th April at 7.30pm. Tickets £5, refreshments available. Performers are all from St John of the Cross community: with songs, instrumentals and some “joining in”. Great music, great fun! Please, help us repair our leaking roof!
TAIZÉ STYLE WORSHIP – St Nicholas Church (NW) Sun 6th at 6.30pm. “I thirst” the theme; readings, silent reflection by candlelight. All warmly welcomed
SUMMER SCHOOL (Society of St Gregory) of liturgy and music for young people between the ages of 18 and 35 is at The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire; Mon 28th July to Fri 1st August. This year the Society is offering 15 free places. For full information go to www.ssg.org.uk
DISCERNMENT WEEKEND at the Shrine at Walsingham, for young women aged 18-33 who are considering their calling in life and interested in the religious life. Join the Community of Our Lady of Walsingham over weekend of 12th/13th April. Details visit www.walsinghamcommunity.org or 01277 373848.
OPEN MORNING at New Hall Catholic School, Chelmsford, for boys & girls, ages 3-18yrs, on Monday 5th May (Bank Holiday) 9.00am -12noon. Includes tour of school & facilities, talks with staff and pupils. To book, pick up booking form from the church porch. Further information on 01245 236098 or go online to newhallschool.co.uk
We pray for Peter Carapatta and remember his family and friends at this time. We pray also for those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Millicent Ethel Lee, Barbara Elizabeth Stephen, Ronald Henry James Wilders, Alice Mary Bean, Augustus Heralty, Eric Walter Moll and Paul Adrian Humphrys.
May they rest in peace. Amen.