4th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Racial Justice Day.
Today’s Gospel reading tells us two important things about Jesus’ ministry: he taught with authority and he had power over evil. His teaching is prophetic in the tradition of the prophets of the Old Testament; ‘I will put my words into his mouth’ (1st reading). The evil spirit recognised him for who he was; ‘I know who you are, the holy one of God’.
If a friend or relative is a patient in the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital they can still ask for a Catholic priest to visit them. This is best done on the ward or through the hospital chaplaincy (01603 287470) rather than contacting the Cathedral. This also applies to Covid patients. We are grateful to Fr Simon Davies (Cathedral) and Fr Denis Gallagher (Wymondham) for taking on this important ministry.
Dates for your diary: Ash Wednesday, 17th February
Lenten Family Fast Day, 26th February
The diocese is recruiting a grant-funded Historic Churches Support Officer on 20 hours a week. The closing date is February 22nd. For more details go to: https://www.rcdea.org.uk/vacancies/
If you wish to attend a Sunday Mass you need to book a place with the co- ordinator for each church:
John Bolger at Sacred Heart – 01692 581516 (bolger@waitrose.com);
Fran Ludden at Aylsham – 07849 602227 (fran.ludden@btinternet.com);
Richard McGreevy,Hoveton – 01603 738255 (richardmcgreevy@supanet.com)
Please pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, John Gowing, Derek and Frances Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice and Mary Carr.
We also pray for Colette Bee, Teresa Good, Kathleen Campion and Joan Mullane who died recently; and for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Wladislaw (Jan) Kurowski, Bridget Dalton, Daisy Jarman, Norman Baguly, Ivy Batty and Wasil Mychajlyszyn.
Last week’s collection: £266.00 Standing orders: £553.00
Father James