32nd Week in Ordinary Time 2020.
Sunday: Remembrance Sunday.
8th –14th November.
Wisdom is the theme that runs through today’s readings. In the Gospel Jesus exhorts his listeners to ‘stay awake’. In fact, all the bridesmaids fall asleep, the wise as well as the foolish. The difference is that the wise have the oil they had the foresight to obtain in order to welcome the bridegroom. Here sleep is a metaphor for death. The bridegroom is Christ who welcomes all to the wedding feast of heaven. Wisdom here is the need to be ready for the invitation with the ‘oil’ of good works.
Young people can access the diocesan youth service at igniteteam@rcdea.org.uk The team is planning events over the coming months including First Fridays, a new monthly chat show on You Tube.
From Thursday our churches have been closed and no public Masses are permitted. Sacred Heart church will be open for private prayer every Thursday morning from 9.30 am to 10.30 am. St Helen’s will be open on Wednesday mornings from 9.00 am to 10.15 am. Our bishops have suggested that we set aside a time of prayer at 6 pm each day in our homes to combat the spread of the virus. We should also remember those who have suffered directly from the virus as well as its effects on families, the elderly and those who live alone.
We all hope that the present lockdown will come to an end at the beginning of December. Until the situation becomes clearer we cannot take any bookings for Masses at Christmas.
Please pray for our sick parishioners: Maria Wilby, Matt Butler, John Gowing, Derek and Frances Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice and Mary Carr.
We pray for Peter Hoy (Aylsham) and Rita Perrott (North Walsham) who both died recently and we remember their families and friends at this time. We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Michael Reynolds, Ellen Joy, Rose Dunham, Evelyn Andrews, Roger Kerrison and Teresa Chapman.
Last week’s collection: £ 514.21 Standing orders: £533.00.
Father James